I recently had a nice little trip to Long Beach, Los Angeles. I have fallen in love with california in the last year, we have been 3 times since last April and hoping to return in August. This time I didn't take many photos only about 150 and for me that's a tiny amount.
We managed to finally see Hollywood Babble on the awesome podcast by ralph garman and Kevin smith at the hollywood improv on melrose avenue, it's weird actually being there after listening to so many episodes and seeing kevin and ralph was amazing especially finally getting to see Ralphs Al Pacino impression!
a quick IPhone snap of the guys themselves kevin smith and ralph garman
To actually get to the podcast we rented a car (cheaper than a taxi) the guy at hertz said he didn't have much left being Good Friday, my husbands face when the guy drove this round the front was a picture. Driving a proper american muscle car 550hp Mustang GT just wow and I did not want to return it! Driving through Malibu and downtown LA in that was the best car I have ever driven.
Mustang GT amazing amazing car
the rest of our trip involved shopping, drinking and lots of tasty food with a few photos taken in between, oh and a visit to see a famous mouse that involved a large quantity of cocktails walking round disney land while tipsy is fairly tricky. The highlight for me was Santa Barbara is so lovely there and pretty it was just so dam hot.
oh and we visited a couple of anchorman filming locations too! Below is where the rival news teams meet up.
anchorman news team met their rivals here:) opposite our hotel
Santa Barbara Palm trees
long beach harbour at sunset
Santa Monica Beach
best drink ever! Firefly cherry moonshine, caramelised pineapple and Jim beam with maple brown sugar molasses served at famous Dave's BBQ.
so after a week of walking and driving around LA we sadly headed home on a horrible packed plane full of screaming kids for a 16 hour journey via Vancouver. There is something highly addictive about california the people the weather and the shops all just amazing :) can't wait for our next visit .